Tuesday, July 12, 2005
And the Hits Keep on Coming
I have been amazed at the number of people who have found my site and taken the time to come back to it from time to time. I get more email than comments, but I love the interaction and the thoughtfulness of everyone who visits.

I'm a numbers person and love to look at statistics (reason number 63 I have revealed here that explains why I am a dork). As I peruse through my hits and referrers, I can't help but enjoy the search terms that lead to my site. Even funnier to me is the number of times these particular seraches lead to my site or, for that matter, are even entered as search terms to begin with. Sure, I get the breast cancer related, chemo related, medical term related searches as I would expect. The following list, every time I see them (and I see them regularly!), make me giggle.

So that you can join me in my laughter, I present my Top Ten Favorite Referring Search Terms (complete with links, in case these searches interested anyone else):

10. The Starbucks quotes.
Sheesh! My names is Jeannette and I have a coffee addiction.
((Hi Jeannette! Welcome!))
I also quote the quotes on the cup. Note to Starbucks: A lot of people want
to know about these quotes and apparently more than what you post on your
web site. But don't bother posting them, I get a lot of traffic from them.

9. whiny female managers
Why? Whyeeeee? Why would anyone think this is me. It's just not fair. Why
would this linkt o me....okay , that is the best faux whining I could muster. O
h, the irony! This. is. not. me. at. all.

8. sexy pin up vintage free pics
Queried from France on google.fr. I am little offended by the "vintage" reference.

7. why girls have two hands
All that picking up after everyone only requires, oh, I don't know, three?

6. girls giving each other breast massages
I know I never mentioned this and I am not sure how the linking linked
these words together, but apparently this is why they have two hands.

5. topless nurses
Because facing a terminal illness is so much more palatable when your
medical team is half naked (oh wait, now I 've said naked along with
topless and breast massage. What kind of link will that create?).

4. morphing two people together pictures
Oooh, creepy.

3. nuclear bomb boobies
Giving new meaning to the term "da bomb."

2. topless don Henley
Isn't that normally "shirtless," if there is a "normally" when dicussing this search?
eewww! (sorry to offend you, Don, but you are an artist and never claimed to be
pin up material)

1. sandra day o'connor breast cancer wig
Because nothing says "this is my real hair" like the hair style
of a retired Supreme Court Justice.

Take that smile and go out and make a difference today!
Written by Unknown
2 chimed in

Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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  • © 2004 - 2009 by the author of Two Hands

    The contents of this website are protected by applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved by the author.

    Disclaimer: This site does not provide medical or any other health care advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional. Two Hands does not guarantee the accuracy of content and is not responsible for information on any of the websites that are provided as links.

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