Saturday, June 25, 2005
Oh, the Irony.
I feel sorry for the person(s) that keeps ending up on my site when searching for "topless nurses." I don't recall even mentioning topless nurses here, well, until now that is. It isn't my fantasy, but I have seen one of my surgeons topless. He had just gone for a run on a sweltering hot day and taken off his shirt. He was no where near his office and I just happened to be there in the same place at the same time. Funny, that didn't evoke a fantasy (No offense, Doc, if you even know this site exists. I do love ya, just in a nonsexual-hero-kind-of-love). Once again, I digress. I was trying to make a point. Isn't it ironic that after I just posted my ode to feminism, an unsuspecting smut-seeker winds up here? Several times, in fact.

This is the craziness that is my mind:

"Wow, someone wants to see me topless?"

"I guess I still got it. You go, girl."

"Well, wait, why does he want to see me topless? What kind of sicko is he? Who wants to take a look at 'Frank' 'n 'Stein'* at this point before reconstruction is finished?"

. . . . (pause)

"Oh wait, he didn't want to look at me. He was searching for topless nurses. Whew, that's better!"

. . . . (pause)

"Wait, what's so wrong with me? A little compassion could go pretty far around here, buddy."

The conversations in my head could be very entertaining to say, oh, I don't know, a therapist maybe? As my cousin used to say, "It's best that no one can read that cartoon bubble over your head."

Have a great day. Enjoy the summer at its best.

*That's what I call "the girls" in their unfinished, imposter state.
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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