Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I Disagree, Mr. Henley
I keep hearing Don Henley singing his song in my ear and, frankly, he needs to stop. These lyrics don't apply to my world and I hope they never do.
I was either standing in your shadow or blocking you're light
Though I kept on trying I could not make it right
For you girl-
There's just not enough love in the world

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --Don Henley, lyrics from "Not Enough Love in the World"

I have received more email than I can count in the past week. I have heard from people who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer, 5-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 19-, 24-year survivors, the husband/mother/sister/daughter/friend of someone who has or had breast cancer, people wishing me well in my recovery, and more encouragement than I can even comprehend. In all this email, which I plan to respond to every single one, I have made two observations:

1. There is a tremendous amount of love in this world; and

2. There are a staggering number of people in this world who don’t have love and support.

How do we bring the two together?

Maybe I am discovering a void that the world is somehow not filling. I don’t know what this means for me personally, but I think I may be finding a purpose or direction as I emerge from the cancer mess. I will have to see how this unfolds for me.

I am always in awe in the inherent goodness in people and how freely people express kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, and, well, love. It is truly a beautiful thing to be on the receiving end of such affection from complete strangers. Conversely, to be facing something as horrifying as cancer alone, without a support network, without feeling connected to someone, is equally overwhelming to me. My heart breaks from the amount of emotional pain that is coupled with the physical pain of cancer. The two are inseparable. That emotional pain is only magnified when there is no support or connection.

I have said before that where love and strength intersect, healing begins. With all the love in this world, there should be a lot more healing going on. Somehow, I need to find a way to bring the two together. There is enough love in the world.
Written by Unknown
2 chimed in

Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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