Thursday, August 03, 2006
Double Digits
Lucky for us the searing has heat has temporarily subsided and today we enjoyed 72 F weather. There is no place like home . . . when the weather is bearable. Of course, I'll talk about anything to avoid the subject of my next check up. It is a two year check up and if all is well I get to transition to six-month check ups after this one. I have no reason to worry. Everything is fine.

Then why is it that I already canceled my appointment and put it off one more week? I know, I know. I gave myself one more week of worry. Two years just seems so, so, I don't know, significant for whatever reason. I would rather not thinka about tumor markers and dates and exams if I don't need to. I want it to be over and it seems there is no "over."

On a brighter note, Carolyn at Brave as a Tiger, Strong as an Ox just got her new boobies or "noobies." Be sure and congratulate her. It isn't everyday a girl gets to go through puberty all over again (in like eleven hours).

While we are being Internet sociable, stop by and welcome Amanda back. She has not only started fresh in a new city, but also a new blog.

And one more. Stop by and share the love with Sandee. No particular reason today, but who couldn't use some love? Besides, I'm sure she could use a pick me up. We all could, right?
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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