Monday, June 12, 2006
Such a Big Shadow for Something so Small
It seems the leg cramps are not as uncommon as I thought and it may be possible that they might lessen and eventually go away according to the amazing women in a discussion group, known as Sisters in Survivorship (I think these women are amazing!). As one mentioned, she’s been having the leg cramps, but won’t let it her stop from training for her triathlon. Shame on me. I walked my dog around the park and I was complaining. Granted the puppy now runs at full speed (now nicknamed “Bullet”) and can be a challenge (or comedic) to keep up with him – all 4.3 pounds of him! The moral of the story is, I walk and it hurts; I don’t walk and it hurts. So I plan to walk and stop complaining.

I discussed it with my doctor and she wanted me to go off the tamoxifen for a couple of months to be sure it is the cause of the pain. I wasn’t sure what was worse: the thought of going back on tamoxifen and having to readjust to it all over again or suffer through the leg cramps until my body adjusts to it. I’ve opted to stay on it for at least six months and reassess at that time. For those of you playing along with the home version of this game, six months arrives on August 1st. You might want to set a reminder or note it in your palm pilot so you can be sure to come back for one heck of an exciting update at that time.

PS If you were diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40 or younger, I highly recommend you check out the Sisters in Survivorship discussion group. Highly addictive!
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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