New Breast Cancer Gene Raises Risk in EuropeansThis is the direction we need to be going. We need to do more research in connection between cancer and DNA. Did you read the story about the eleven Bradford cousins? They had their stomachs removed due to a CDH1 gene mutation that carries a stomach cancer risk of 70 - 80%.
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent
WASHINGTON, June 19 (Reuters) - Researchers have found another breast cancer gene that can greatly raise the risk of the disease in women of European heritage, according to a report published on Monday. They said the gene worked in tandem with the well-known BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes to raise the risk of breast cancer by as much as 80 percent. . . (read more)
Right now we are at a turning point. Scientists have been able to determine the link between certain genes and certain cnacers. The only option at this time is to consider prophylactic surgery making the offending body part disposable. There has to be a better quality of life for those of us born with a genetic mutation that was completely out of our control and not affected by lifestyle choices or environmental factors. The next step is to learn how to treat the gene and change those risks.
Imagine the possibilities if we put even half the cost of a war toward genetic cancer research. Where are our priorities? I hope you tell your congress members and senators where yours are. It may make all the difference.