. . . but without all that gambling and dishonesty.
Today this site will have its 25,000th visitor. I'm not sure where you all came from or how you continue to find me, but I am honored that you come here nonetheless. I can't believe that only nine months have passed since I began this site. Really, time has passed so slowly this last year. I had three goals for creating this blog:
- To share all my research with my four sisters so they would better understand their risk associated with breast cancer.
- To be able to keep family and friends updated in case I wouldn't be strong enough (physically or at times emotionally) to answer questions in your calls, email, or visits.
- Most importantly, I wanted people to understand the physical, emotional, and spiritual ramifications of dealing with cancer. I wanted people to know that we have come so far with breast cancer treatment and there is so much hope. I wanted to remove the fear that keeps women from having regular mammograms and medical exams. I wanted to show myself and anyone willing to listen that life, even during cancer treatment and beyond, has value.
If even just a few of you got my message, then it has been worth it. What I didn't realize when I began this blog was the number of people who started out as strangers in far corners of the world and would become such wonderful support, make me laugh, and share their lives with me. I guess it is indeed true that in giving you truly do receive. Y