Saturday, April 23, 2005
Thinking Without Gravity
You may notice the white band on the upper left corner. While it represents a program based out of the United Kingdom, it is an attempt to address a problem that is worldwide. I was drawn to find out more about this program because I heard Bono of the band U2 was involved. Bono has done a lot to draw the world's attention to poverty in third world countries for the last several years. He has brought important issues to the forefront of the media as well as addressing world leaders. He is someone who uses his fame and fortune to make a difference in this world.

So why am I blogging about poverty on my breast cancer blog? Poverty also prohibits people from adequate preventative medicine such as mammograms and annual exams by doctors. It is one of the reasons that there is such despair in survival rates among women of low income with no health insurance. It breaks my heart that some women simply do not have a chance. It hurts my heart even more that in this world, with as far as we have come, poverty kills a child every three minutes.

I was always raised to be compassionate and giving, but I think being a breast cancer survivor has melted my heart in some ways. We all need to do what we can to make a difference in the world. I think no matter what we do -- raise awareness, pray, donate money, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc. -- we all need to make a contribution to the wellness of this world. We all need to be kinder, more loving, more compassionate, less busy, and more giving. Whether we make poverty history or encourage women to get mammograms, one by one we will make a difference . . . you, me, and Bono too. Y
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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