Sunday, September 05, 2004
Moods, Cycles, Patterns
Now that I have had three treatments it is a little easier to see patterns and cycles. One thing I noticed after this last treatment was a mood swing falling around the same time as my last mood swing. I have noticed that usually around the fourth or fifth day after treatment, I tend to have a two to three day period where I am particularly moody. I wouldn't say I'm depressed, just irritable or annoyed and maybe even a little weepy at times. I wasn't sure if this was just an emotional release of this whole process or if there was an actual relationship to the medications. After doing some research it seems I am not alone.

The magazine, Redbook, has been featuring a series titled "Me against Breast Cancer." It is a multi-installment piece written by a journalist as she goes through breast cancer treatment. I have read both the first and second installments and her story is very similar to mine. In the second installment she mentions the mood swings and their timing after treatment. In my research I have also found sources that make this link as well. There are so many contributing factors noted including, medication side-effects, changes in sleep patterns, changes in diet, changes in hormonal levels, and the overall emotional considerations of dealing with breast cancer. While it is nice to know all of this is explainable, it certainly doesn't make it any easier for those who interact with me on a regular basis.

In searching for a safety belt for all my chemosabes feeling the g-forces of my emotional roller coaster, I have added a mood indicator to the right column. Remember, it is only placed there for your own safety. Relax. We have a good ten days before the next ride.
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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