Thursday, August 26, 2004
It's All Good
Something was negative today and it wasn't my attitude! The results of the gene test are in and I was negative for any mutation associated with the BRCA 1 or 2 genes. This is not only good news for me, it is also good news for my sisters! At least for now. There are 15 genes possibly associated with hereditary breast cancer; however these are the only two genes testable and supported by clear research. As new tests become available I will be contacted by Myriad Labs and/or Wilshire Oncology for further testing, whenever that may be. Good grief! That was a nail biter!

These results will not likely alter my plans that have already been made. There is strong research that supports the course of action I have laid out with my doctors. The final piece of the puzzle is the surgery and reconstruction at Loma Linda University Hospital and my consultation for that is on September 3rd. What these results help me with is further treatment. If I tested positive, it would cause me to consider the risks of ovarian cancer which increase ten times. Ovarian cancer is such a silent killer. By the time you have the symptoms it is often too late. I frankly did not want to force that decision at this stage in my life.

Speaking of lab work, once again I rebounded well from the prior treatment. All the blood counts were good so I was able to proceed as planned. The good news keep rolling in!

The other good thing was my distraction today. I had the pleasure of watching several episodes of season one of "Sex and the City." For someone with a short attention span, this was a fabulous idea. You rock, Billy! Thanks for the DVDs. I giggled my way through treatment and all the way home! It was the perfect diversion (and educational too, I might add).

Thank you to everyone for all of your good wishes, kind thoughts, and amazing prayers. Without a doubt I can physically feel it! I am so looking forward to getting through this round and then finishing this AC cocktail series in two weeks. After that, I have 4 treatments of Taxol. That drug will finish off the hair anywhere it is left (not a big task), but I hear it can be easier to take than the AC. How much more good news could I get in one day? If I won the lottery, I couldn't be any happier today.
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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