Friday, August 13, 2004
Mary or Rhoda?
There are times when I have felt like the Mary and times when I have felt like the Rhoda in The Mary Tyler Moore Show of life. Generally, I think I relate more to Mary; however, the tables have turned since my sister buzzed my head last night (let's just add this to the list of things that Joyce has been so gracious to do for me). With this scarf I am wearing, I definitely feel like Rhoda!

Yes, it was time. My hair was rapidly falling out and was so fragile. It seemed the kinder thing to do was to just buzz it off and take control of the situation. I was trying to hold on as long as I could, but when I pulled my headphones off during chemo and a bunch of hair was attached to each side, I just decided enough was enough.

There are so many great resources out there for people in chemo. Not only is there a great selection of wigs, there are hats with hair, strips of hair and strips of bangs you can attach to scarves and hats, hats that fit the head a little better to give complete coverage, and so much more. I have made my collection of accesories and while none of them are as nice as having your own hair, they certainly help you save time when getting ready. I can get ready in 15 mintues now! Including shower and dressing change. Pretty amazing!

I am not endorsing any one company or product line, but a great place to start is and Other lines to check out include and

The interesting part of this is that while I am smiling and enjoying my freedom from hairstyling, this was the first outward physical change (besides the catheter and hidden scars from surgery) that alerts the world that I am going through chemotherapy. Obviously, putting my life on the Internet doesn't help to classify me as a private person, but I am not one to put my vulnerabilities out there. This was a tough hurdle, but along with it came the many angels to help me get over it.

Now, I wonder if Hempel's Department Store still needs a window dresser . . .
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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