This past weekend while I polished up my mom's house in preparation for the holidays and shopped until I could carry no more, I realized what a difference a year makes. This same time last year I was recovering from a bilateral mastectomy, dealing with those nasty post-surgical JP drains, relying on my sister to help me shower and dress, unable to raise my arms or carry a thing, and always feeling chilled from the draft to my head where the hair had yet to reappear after chemo.
This year has been different. While still recovering somewhat from reconstructive surgery nearly four weeks ago, I found myself polishing furniture and cleaning windows with vigor. And when I hopped in the shower to get ready for a party, I could do it all myself and even had hair to style. I can hug people with ease to wish them a Merry Christmas and I can feel the warmth of those hugs in return.
It is a different year indeed.