Monday, December 05, 2005
Sometimes I Cry in the Shower
It is the holiday season. Finally there is a chill in the air here in Southern California and it actually feels like the holiday season. More importantly than the weather, it is easy to know it is the holiday season because of parking lot behavior. Just the other day, I was waiting for a parked car to back out so I could take the last remaining parking space in the lot when out of no where, a woman with her child in a minivan swooped in from the side and took the spot. I am never one to incite another driver or invite confrontation; however, upon the stealth maneuver which claimed the spot that was rightly mine, the woman laughed. I was not angry about her usurping the parking space, I was upset at what she was teaching her child.

I did, however, stop by her car, stare at her, and act as though I was waiting for her to get out of her car. I did not plan to do anything nor say anything to her. My plan was to make her complete the lesson to her child. If you are going to drive like an ass, then be sure to know how to evade the ire you just provoked. It was all in the name of safety for her child as, apparently, that was not this woman's concern. After a moment of making her uncomfortably fidget in her car and avoid all eye contact with me, I proceeded to the next parking garage to find a space much further away. In the end I was grateful for the exercise.

The whole experience made me realize that this is the time of year to pay attention to safe driving as people are either rushed, tired, sauced, or paying attention to sugar-highed children. I guess instead of silently crying in the privacy of my own car, I should concentrate more and leave the tears for my other favorite place, the shower. I'm not sure why, but these two places seem to be the only place where it feels comfortable to let go. You just never know where those holiday blues will sneak up out of nowhere and takeover your space.
Written by Unknown
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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