Sunday, February 06, 2005
Odds & Ends
Still Plenty of Time....

I know I didn't give much notice on the Race for the Cure 5K in Pasadena this month. A giant thank you to those that did register. I look forward to walking with each of you! If anyone is still interested, the online registration has closed, but I can hand carry your registration when I go to collect the team registration packet on Saturday, February 12th. Just email me if you are still interested.

For those interested in "Sleeping in for the Cure," (you know, the heart is willing, but the body is weak), the online donation page will be available until race day. I set a modest team goal to raise $500 and we are 35% of the way there. Thanks again for your support. I'll let you know how it all turns out!

New Resources....

I have two new links for resources. Both of these resources fill a unique niche in the battle against breast cancer. The first new resource is The Young Survival Coalition. This site specifically focuses on women under 40 who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It has great message boards and inspirational personal stories as well as great information regarding research.

The second resource is Men Against Breast Cancer. This site provides targeted support services to educate and empower men to be effective caregivers when a loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer. This nonprofit was founded and developed by men and is a great resource for any couple facing breast cancer.

I hope this is the beginning of a blessed week for all of us!

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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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