Saturday, January 15, 2005
I Came Here to Dance
Returning to my old routine has been anything but routine. I seemed to have hit the ground running and not looked back. Sometimes I wonder if I'm running from the last six months.

Joyfully I can say I have been busy living! I have had interesting work awaiting me, I have started back to teaching again, and I have been reconnecting with friends. I have been enjoying all things non-cancer. I keep wondering what to blog about that is related to breast cancer because it doesn't seem to define my life these days.

The joy of living, the joy of being a survivor, the joy of regaining my non-routine is all part of the process. Pardon me while I digress a bit from the overly educational breast cancer and reconstruction talk and talk about living.

Since returning from surgery I have adopted a new mantra: is this worth the energy? So I occasionally ask myself throughout the day, "Is what I am doing worth this energy?" If I can't answer "Yes" or "Maybe," then I simply stop what I am doing and move on to something worth my energy. This is not part of some energy conservation plot. In fact, I have no desire to conserve my energy. Heck, you can't take it with you! I just want to be sure that what I am doing deserves the energy it is consuming. I no longer have the desire to waste my energy on things that simply aren't important.

Defining what is important used to be difficult. Cancer has a way of fixing that very quickly. I have come to realize that I used to place importance on things that weren't so important. I've also come to realize that I have not put energy into things that needed energy (like keeping myself better organized). So I keep with my resolution to a year of no excuses. Today there is no excuse not to go out and enjoy this absolutely glorious day of sun, clear skies, and cool breezes. So let's not sit this one out. I came here to dance.

PS All links are just photo links. I do not know anything about the sites I linked to, but I did like the photo and/or its symbolism for what I was writing. Enjoy.
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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    "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12