Tuesday, July 20, 2004
The 3-Day Walk
Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer, in fact before I even realized this was a potential issue, I had  started to rally some friends together to train for The Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk benefiting the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  For those that haven't heard about this walk, it is held in several different cities, but all of the walks are 3-day, 60-mile treks.  My goal was to train for and raise funds for the October '05 walk from Del Mar to San Diego.  That is still my goal and I have several friends who are are now interested in forming a team and hoofing it 60 miles in the name of breast cancer awareness and research.  Each participant is required to raise a  minimum  of $2000 in order to participate.

Someone important to my sister Joyce is walking this October '04.  Do you feel moved to donate?  If so, please go to The 3 Day web site.   Enter this name:  Paulette Carnes.   Click on her name, and then follow the instructions to donate. 
Thank you for even considering this.    The Komen Foundation does amazing work and is very worthy of every dime it receives.  By the way, next year Joyce and I will be hoping you will sponsor us for this event! 

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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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