Sunday, July 18, 2004
People . . . Can't Live Without 'Em
There are no words to describe the amazing support I have received from so many people.  I don’t know how I could ever return such kindnesses that have been showered on me.  First and foremost, my mom and my sisters are unbelievable.  I have always known that our family is blessed with strong bonds and strong values; and we have always pulled together to accomplish at times what seems like the impossible.   The only difference in this situation is that they have to rally around me.   I’m so used to being a worker bee that it is hard to watch them do so much for me.   And Joyce, I have never had to ask for anything.  You’ve been my best friend and you’ve been my rock.  There are no words to describe how important our relationship is to me.  I am so blessed.
I have some amazing cousins also.  I have my “cugine” Linda who never lets me forget how strong I am and daily demonstrates what it is like to be a strong survivor.  And there are my cousins back east who are breast cancer survivors, Pat and Cindy.  How lucky am I to have such supportive cousins who are unafraid to share their journey and give me guidance.  Since we grew up on two different sides of the United States and only met once, I am blown away by their support.  I am also amazed and how very similar we are.  See, this is where that family bond takes over.  I am sorry we have had to bond over something like this and that they have had to deal with this issue personally.  Strong, dynamic women are abundant in my family.  I am so blessed. 
The other place that feels like “family” is at work.  Whoever said that government agencies are cold, bureaucratic places never worked in my organization.  The constant hugs, words of encouragement, and laughter (thanks for laughing at my jokes!) lift me up.  And the cool thing (well, one of the cool things) about Chuck and his yellow “Live Strong” bracelets is that everyone outside of those that Chuck has given them too is wearing them for Lance Armstrong and his Tour de France quest.  When I go out and see people wearing them it makes me think that everyone is wearing them in support of my struggle right now.  Lance who? . . . this is my Tour de Force!.  I am so blessed.
My amazing nephews, John, Chris, and Mark (and Theresa and Kristin too!); my fabulous friends (Kathy, Bernie, John, Lynne, Traci, Caroline, Andy, Mike, the Felician Sisters and everyone who offers their prayers and support); my colleagues at the university; Patrick who helped me set up my blog (thanks!) and everyone who has smiled at me when I needed a smile . . . I am so blessed.

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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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