Monday, August 22, 2005
Pieces of the Puzzle (or The Boobie Update)
This last year or so seems to have flown by and yet other times it seems like an eternity has passed. This time last year I was recovering from my second round of chemo, adapting to my hair loss, and consulting with surgeons regarding the bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. When I look back on that time, it is almost as if I am viewing it from a corner of a room watching it happen to someone else. It is a very surreal feeling.

It is a good feeling to watch the plan I put into place last year finally start to play out as anticipated. And I didn't have to threaten, require him to surender his passport, or anything. We talked at leangth about the things I am okay with and the things I don't like about the current tissue expanders, where they are positioned, the shape, and overall look. I realize that reconstructed breasts are an alternative to no breasts whereas augmented breasts are an alternative to smaller breasts. There is a big difference in the approach and end result. It's like I told him the first day: I have no expectation of being in a magazine when he is done; I just want to feel normal in my clothing and, ultimately, in my own skin. When we were finished, he told me to, "Get dressed and go down the hall to your right and Amy can get you a date." Well, heck, if I knew it was that easy I would have stopped there every time I had an appointment! And here I thought you had to meet someone, be charming, and flirting was required. Talk about a hospital that takes care of ALL your needs. Who knew?

But seriously, by this time next month I shall have my permanent boobies. He'll pop these awful things out, insert new soft saline squishy ones, and sculpt the area by removing unecessary skin and tissue. For the most part, this surgery will be an easy recovery compared to the the last one. And when I am done I will have permament boobies and be one more step closer to putting this part of the journey behind me and moving on. Can I get an "Amen" my sistas?
Written by Unknown
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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    "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12