Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Bye Bye G-Thing
I have never been a fan of general anesthesia. When I had the first procedure, the lumpectomy, I opted for local anesthesia and was awake the whole time. I am now a firm believer that being asleep during medical procedures is a good thing.

I did say I couldn't wait to never use the word again so I don't plan to use it here. Let's just say that my g-thing is now gone (sorry, Mary Lou). I am so glad that I had the catheter to administer the chemo. It did it's job, it made chemo sessions easier, and as a result it may have made my life easier. In fact I actually got used to having a tube coming out of my chest. It seems the catheter even got attached to me...literally. I have just one word regarding the removal: ouch! I'll spare you the details, but holy cow! Ouch!

I always like to find the bright side though. Besides the catheter removal signifying that chemo is truly over, this appointment was with my favorite surgeon. The next procedures will be done with other surgeons at a different facility. It was great to see him again even if it was the last appointment I will have with him. I have every confidence in his abilities and am so comfortable with him. He asked that I keep in touch and let him know how things turn out with the surgery and pathology from that procedure. I think that it is amazing that he even cares to know what happens since he isn't doing the procedure and is no longer my care provider. How often does that happen? I have been blessed all along this journey with amazing care providers. He is definitely at the top of that list.

Bye bye, G. I can't say I'll miss you, but with this scar I will never forget you!

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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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