Tuesday, September 14, 2004
So many thoughts have been swirling through my head. The side effects of the last treatment have sidelined my reflections and left me focusing on trying to shake the nausea, aches, and general fatigue. Today I awoke feeling pretty good as far as the nausea, but the post-chemo fatigue has really set in. I know this will improve each day and by the weekend I'll be better. When I awoke with no nausea, I knew this would be a good day and I haven't been disappointed.

First, a new Starbucks opened in town. Since I was out of soy milk at home and couldn't enjoy my homemade version, I thought I would stop in the new store and grab one before work. Many of you understand my coffee enjoyment (notice I didn't say addiction or obsession?). Those of you who are local also know how difficult it is to get a coffee at my local Starbucks in the morning before work unless you plan on an extra 35 minutes. The place is so busy and it is a drive through making it difficult to maneuver around the parking lot a bit. The new Starbucks is roomy, not a drive through, and few people know it has already opened. I drove up, parked in front, walked in, ordered my coffee, and was back in my car in four minutes. Is that a way to start the day or what? It was a sign.

I have been in need of some inspiration. Even though I have reached the half-way point in treatment, it still means I have just as much to go through as I already have done. I don't doubt I can do it. I have not been discouraged; I have just needed energy. Ask and you shall receive. I asked for inspiration, and it came to me.
"If one can surrender and trust their journey, one can handle the most challenging situations. Knowing that there is a reason for everything we encounter gives our lives meaning. We find the strength to conquer even what seems unconquerable." --Maryam Nassirbegli

Enjoy this day. And most of all, remember to laugh and share your smile with others.
Written by Unknown
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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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    "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12