Monday, October 04, 2004
Braccio de Ferro
I mentioned previously that my hemoglobin count had dropped. While I am taking iron supplments and the Aranesp injections, I am still feeling a little lethargic. I am trying to add as much iron rich foods into my diet as possible, but I'm not sure I can handle another serving of spinach without turning into Popeye (or Braccio de Ferro for the Italian audience).

I welcome any good suggestions for ways to disguise spinach (pronounced "spinage" if you want to annoy my sister) and other leafy greens in a non-dairy, vegetarian meal (although I can always substitute a soy product for meat in a recipe). Any creative cooks out there? (Note to nephews: Notice I said creative cooks, not kooks).

Other than the lethargy, I am feeling pretty strong today. I seem to be rebounding just in time for treatment number 6 this week. Don't forget, breast cancer awareness month is moving along here for the month of October. Remember, women aren't the only ones who can get breast cancer. It is estimated that 1,450 men will be diagnosed and 470 men will die of breast cancer during 2004 (source: Komen Foundation). Let's all go out and make a difference today in the fight against breast cancer.

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Name: Jeannette
Location: Southern California, USA

This is my story about being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. I thought I was out of the woods, but four years late it came back. This is my quest to be a two-time survivor.

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